Saturday, May 16, 2009

2D animation "Splat" 2007

2D animation "Mini Santa" 2007

"hiii...let's go sketching"

~My Favorite Sketchbook~

~Sketchbook days~ quick, fun drawings to the max~~

color pencil
pen~ while eating a pesto sandwhich
color pencil
brown pen
color pencil
color pencil
color pencil

This is the result of lack of sleep + monster drink + Berkeley weirdness...

Another tribute to Berkeley days...nothing but coffee and energy drinks to get those pieces of charcoal going...
2' x 3' Arches Paper with Charcoal ~"Radishes" 2005
18" x 24"~ "Croaking Frog" 2004
2' x 3' Arches Paper with Charcoal and Coffee...really. "Diptych" 2005 (right is a stick found at a beach)

acrylic on wood

Here's to those hobo days in Berkeley, digging through the bins for rejected wood and cardboard pieces, squeezing acrylic paint and creating what you see here...15 min exercises....yayyyy~

watercolor madness ~ summer 2008

some old oil paintings