~Sketchbook days~ quick, fun drawings to the max~~
watercolor watercolor color pencil pen~ while eating a pesto sandwhich color pencil brown pen color pencil color pencil
color pencil
watercolor pen pencil pen
This is the result of lack of sleep + monster drink + Berkeley weirdness...
Another tribute to Berkeley days...nothing but coffee and energy drinks to get those pieces of charcoal going... 2' x 3' Arches Paper with Charcoal ~"Radishes" 2005
18" x 24"~ "Croaking Frog" 2004
2' x 3' Arches Paper with Charcoal and Coffee...really. "Diptych" 2005 (right is a stick found at a beach)
Here's to those hobo days in Berkeley, digging through the bins for rejected wood and cardboard pieces, squeezing acrylic paint and creating what you see here...15 min exercises....yayyyy~